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Black Voices Black Stories Little Library

In the summer of 2020, HPDL Residents Lisa Cargill-Romsaas and Calvin Boone created the Black Voices Black Stories Little Free Library at 5858 Park Ave.  They stocked the library with an assortment of fiction and nonfiction books for children, teens, and adults by black authors.  They created this library with the hope of building empathy, understanding, and a more engaged community.


Lisa said, "After the Killing of George Floyd I knew it was far past the time to act. As a white person I had so much to learn about racism and privilege.  I thought as I do my work, I might possibly assist others as well."  Calvin, a retired educator, said, "Fear is often the result of not knowing someone.  My hope is that these stories and authors help people get to know black experiences and black people.  It's much harder to be afraid of people once you know them."


Unfortunately the library was vandalized not long after it was established.  Heartbroken, but undeterred, the two families, their neighbors and community rallied to help restock the library and elevate its mission.  The HPDL Neighborhood Association and Magers and Quinn Booksellers are now proud sponsors of The Black Voices Black Stories Library.   We invite the community to join this effort. 

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Click here to download a list of books requested to stock the library. The list includes direct links to purchase at Magers and Quinn.  Books can be shipped or dropped off at 5858 Park Ave. 

Email for further information or other ways to contribute. 

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